This version contains these additions and changes:
- Completed Saffron City
- Added Celadon City
- Added Route 7
- Added Route 13
- Added Route 14
- Added Suicune Encounter on Route 14 and 25.
- Added Saffron and Celadon Gyms
- Added Magnet Train connecting Goldenrod and Saffron
- Added Vending machines on the Goldenrod and Celadon Dept Store roofs
- Rock Climb texture in Cliff Edge gate
- Added legendary battle music
- Added a new encounter animation for legendary Pokémon.
- Fixed and changed the Roaming Pokémon encounters
- Added an @title command to display titles on the screen.
- Changed the @battle.wild command.
- Added resizable interfaces to the main menu.
- Lots of game and spelling fixes.
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