This is changelog, which is divided into three parts: For Players, Fixes and For Content Creators.
For Players:
- Added Wonder Trade.
- Change restrictions for trade Pokémon.
- Added Rotom and Luxray evolution line.
- Added Daycare phone calls when an egg gets discovered.
- Updated the day cycle animation: Moon and Sun are visible, multiple cloud layers exist, the transition is smooth.
- Added a sunset color to the day cycle.
- Added a daytime indicator to the Pokégear.
- Changed the image for the “UnoDosTres” emblem.
- Added text selection support for the chatscreen.
- New Maps: Cerulean City (Gym, Pokécenter, Mart, 3 Houses), Route 4, Route 5 (Daycare), Route 9, Route 10 (Pokécenter, Power Plant), Route 24, Route 25, Rock Tunnel)
- Changed maps: Saffron City, Underground Tunnel
- Added new Safari Zone Area
- Implemented Battle trap checks (Mean Look, Ingrain, Arena Trap etc.)
- Implemented God-Mode, when a new player with the name “drunknilllzz” is created.
- Fixed player shader issues on multiplayer.
- Fixed Pokémon from other players sometimes appear with wrong/broken texture.
- Fixed Storage System crash
- Fixed daycare Pokémon sprites
- Fixed multiline chat taking too much performance
- Fixed Direct Trades for GameJolt players
- Fixed Hydreigon’s ability being wrong when it evolves.
- Fixed Hidden Grottos crashing by surpressing the crash.
- Fixed wrong Surfing battle scene.
- Fixed SS Aqua trainers crashing when boarding from Vermilion City
- Fixed the Computer on the SS Aqua not working.
- Fixed Eggs being able to enter the Hall of Fame
- Fixed TM typo in Vermilion Gym.
- Fixed Save Screen display the item an egg will hold when it will hatch.
- Fixed the Input Screen to show a comma for the Pokémon’s name.
- Added support for .mp3 files for music and .wav files for sounds without the need of .xnb files.
- Improved crash protection for a few commands
- Added new commands: @pokemon.clone, @npc.setspeed, @math.isint, @math.issng, @environment.dayofyear, @daycare.pokemonsprite
- Added @help command and ScriptLibrary. Use this way: @help(constructs), @help(commands) or @help(any command or construct) to get more information about the available commands and constructs in the game. If there are multiple pages, the you add “,pageIndex” at the end of the command or construct.
- Added storage for sng types and support for short type names (str,int,bool,sng)
- scripts now convert “false” and “true” to “0” and “1” if a numeric type is required.
- Waterfalls and Water entities can now have user defined textures: set additional value to: texturepath,x,y,width,height.
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Pokemon3D 0.44
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